Caesar Rodney’s Famous Midnight Ride was the most famous ride you never heard about. The history books didn’t forget him — if you saw the film “1776”, you saw the story of Caesar Rodney, who rode 80 miles overnight to sign the Declaration of Independence and cast the deciding vote.
Just like a Saint Christopher Medal, the Lucky Rodney might save you someday!
I’ll share with you a few secrets of my own, a few handy items that you might be able to apply to your own coin search:
SHINY SHINY SHINY! — Well, actually, more than merely “shiny”. What you need to find are the absolutely highest level of Mint State — and they are in there to find, coins without a single mar, scar or bar. I added the “bar” just for the rhyme, ignore it if you can, but probably you’ll continue to wonder.
UNUSUAL — You’ll keep finding the same shiny quarters over and over again, and they will be the recently-issued coins, so tend to ignore those, unless they are absolutely flawless. Keep an eye out for coins MOSTLY from 1965 to 2009, and you’ll be right.
LOOK FOR THE ERRORS — Knowing exactly how to spot errors is the whole key to the game — you need to be able to SEE the coin, but you also need to know WHERE to look, and what you’re looking for. I’ll be covering this in workshops.
DON’T WASTE YOUR RESOURCES — You have only so many flips and only so many acrylic capsules and a very limited number of sterling silver bezels, so make sure you want to commit a coin to that package before you do so.
HANDLE YOUR COINS RIGHT — Only handle them with dry hands, and on the edge only. If you can manage a coin search in gloves, go right ahead — my hands won’t do it, and yours might not, either. Don’t sweat it. What I mean is, if you’re sweating, don’t handle the coins until your fingers are dry, dry, dry, and NEVER put your thumb or fingertip on the face or reverse of a coin.
LOOK FOR THE ANOMALIES — Don’t trust what you read in the books — look everywhere for mint errors. There are plenty of them, especially in the more recent coins, as the mint gets progressively sloppier in its quest for lower costs and super-efficiency. No laborers is the ultimate goal.
IF THE FACE IS GOOD, THE BACK IS GOOD — Check George Washington’s cheek. If there’s a single scritchy-scratch on it, that’s NOT a mint coin, but it IS AU — About Uncirculated — and as such, qualifies for jewelry, because being worn in the raw in an open bezel will surely mean scratches and dings to come, so one microscopic flaw won’t matter, while numismaticlly, it won’t work at all.
ALWAYS CHECK “IN GOD WE TRUST” — That’s the most common place where an error can occur, particularly a DDO, which is always worth some serious money. See picture on page 9.
There are a few other tricks of the trade, notably the zig-zag and swirling sway that you’ll use when you master the Coin Search Dance, sort of a seated Tai-Chi workout with twirling coins.
Magic in the Mirror practice will help you immensely in the coin search dance.
You’re looking for several things at once:
HIGH-GRADE ORDINARY “FLIP ALBUM” — The ordinaries collected for the flip album are strictly for jewelry, charms, amulets, talismans and relics, and generally are bagged into flips right then and there, immediately notating your flip with any pertinent information, NOT TRUSTING TO MEMORY. You will forget what you saw in the coin if you put it aside until later. In the heat of the moment is when you take the moment to carefully and clearly write out the information on the front of the flip.
GOOD LUCK COINS — These will be Rodneys and other coins considered lucky, including actual original mint-error coins, such as “OFFSET”, “DDO” and “DDR”, and a number of other interesting and quite rare variations.
HIGHEST IN REGISTRY — These are coins that you will have graded & slabbed by PCGS. They can range into the high thousands of dollars in market value if they are sufficiently high-grade and clean.
ODDBALLS — Things you just can’t explain. These are in themselves high levels of improbability, making them ideal candidates as Lucky Coins.
MODERATE GRADE RODNEYS FOR THE HOMELESS — Make sure to collect any moderate grade Rodneys to give away in capsules. It does no good to give them away if the recipient throws it into a vending machine, so be sure to explain how to use them. Make sure they understand that it could change their luck, but don’t spend it — keep it safe and keep it secret.
That’s the whole deal, although the marketing covers a great deal more territory. You’ll need a good rap to sell these, something like:
“Do you believe in luck?”
If they say yes, show them the coin in its package, and the brochure. Read a couple of quick lines to them, and hand the brochure over. Wait patiently until the person is through reading, and then immediately continue with, “I’m selling them to support my giveaway of free lucky coins to the homeless.”
“Each Lucky Coin I give away has instructions printed in color so they are easily understood. With the packaging and the cost of driving into town and back, the cost works out to about three dollars each.”
“I have to sell one to give away three. I’m only asking $3 for the regular Lucky Rodney in a capsule, $10 for the high-grade Lucky Rodney in a capsule and $39.95 for the highest grade Lucky Rodney in a solid .925 sterling silver locket with an extra-wide bail loop for easy hanging from any chain — the chain is not included. How many would you like? You might think of this as a stocking stuffer, but you can save money by ordering it early — don’t wait until the big rush — what a great present — better luck!!!”
Of course, you might have your own brand of sales pitch. I personally like to say something like:
“Hi. Do you believe in luck?”
“Um, yeh, sure I do.”
“I have something ten times better than a rabbit’s foot, and it doesn’t cost an animal its life to make it. It’s not just a lucky coin, it’s the luckiest coin in the world, called the Lucky Rodney. In fact, I’m wearing it right now. This is the Lucky Rodney. I’m selling them in a sterling silver locket for only $39.95.”
“I really don’t wear jewelry.”
“Oh, no problem. I have the Lucky Rodney in a Pocket Charm for only $10 bucks. How many would you like?”
Be brave, be bold, be cheerful. Another approach might be:
“Can you help me out? I have no job, no home, no car, no family, no friends, no food, no money and no hope. All I have in the whole wide world is this gun.”
Old radio gag from Jack Benny days. Radio? It was kinda like a cellphone without the video screen.
You made a radio back in the sixth century, they took you out and tarred and feathered you and ran you out of town. Today, they do the same thing if you make a transdimensional device, even the most harmless.
I’ve hidden my scout craft fairly well, actually in orbit just behind a cluster of space junk, and I suggest you do the same.
Once you have a flip album, you can offer those self-same coins to your customer — what they see is what they get. Take the coin out of the flip and install it in an acrylic capsule for them, or mount it in a silver bezel and help them get it onto a chain, if they have one.
Chains sell for, on the average, about $60 apiece these days — far more than the $11.99 I’m used to paying back in the old days, about a year and a half ago.
If the chain were steel, you’d have to pay the tariff. Count yourself lucky that you only have to pay the price and the tax on sterling silver. Steel will soon cost you more than silver, if I’ve calculated correctly.
How many times have I told you that I failed math?
As I said earlier, there is no straight-line way to get from where you are to a safe haven. The only way is by sheer lucky luck, and luckness is not that hard to come by.
Surround yourself with lucky things. Make a small kiosk or shop with lucky things in it, and it’s not just the homeless that need the help — it’s anyone who isn’t white and Born-Again and Pro-Life Anti-Choice and whatever else they’ve thrown out there as “acceptable” in the human work-force.
Ants purging the nest — that’s what’s going on, and we’re the ones who don’t belong. Only in a world of love and sharing are folks like us allowed to live in peace, and that doesn’t happen often, and it certainly isn’t happening here.
Get your Lucky Rodney Sales Booth today. Surround yourself with LUCK. Fill the world with lucky people. Spread the word, keep the faith, resist to the end.
“Lucky Rodney, Protect Me!!!”
Of course, you do remember that the Waking State and certain Causal Plane aspects are reachable through the Coinology Coin Search Meditation Technology???
Get in touch now for help in setting up a Lucky Rodney Booth and learning how to get success in a coin search.