Tuning the Coin Matrix

The individual coins are attuned by rotation to individual parallel worlds and the cross-patterns within the Pages create the opportunity to thread strings of numbers and letters into crypto-addresses along the lines of the Cabala.

Each coin is oriented in its slot, or Chamber. Some are slightly tilted, some are straight, depending on degree of die rotation, etc. within the coin’s double energy field, expressed as sculpted intaglio obverse, reverse & quantum-active induction ring, the flat, wide rim.

Now the entire COIN MATRIX is set upright so that the top faces upward; it is then oriented so that the faces are facing Magnetic North, not Geographic North, and thoroughly fumigated, smudged and in other ways purified with oils, incenses, candles, balsams, powders, washes and, of course, prayer.

It is at this point that the BETA BLOCKERS in the CQR RADIO WAVE ANTENNA ARRAY are placed within The COIN MATRIX at appropriate Power Points and the MATRIX is then removed from the orienting compass mountings, nearly ready for testing and use.

The COIN MATRIX is then tuned to its new owner and placed upright into its holding gripper within the COIN MATRIX; after which, protective black tourmaline crystals are inserted into the lower corners of the COIN MATRIX.

Here, within the COIN MATRIX, your coins will remain collectively and individually within the Matrix of the COIN MATRIX, awaiting Perfection through YOUR actions of Activation, Cleansing, Prayer and Personal Purification, Fasting and other important “Upgrading” actions on their behalf, thus also acting upon the micro-cosmic selves within yourself.

In this way, you can reach and help those many parts of yourself which have, through repeated exposure to organic life, become corrupted atrophied.

You can’t re-program your Essential Self through direct means, but through the medium of the COIN MATRIX you CAN see, feel and contact your Higher Self and using this tool, realize your own Transcendent States of Consciousness.

Through daily acts of selfless service working ACTIVELY through the COIN MATRIX for the Benefit of All Beings Everywhere, you can earn Merit, and therefore a permanent Place in The Work.

Once recognized as a Member of the Work, you are under the umbrella of The Work, and The Work Takes Care of its Own, meaning you get whatever you ACTUALLY NEED to carry on whatever ACTUAL share of The Work you are able and willing to ACTUALLY PERFORM.

Myself, I end up with just slightly under what I need, but I make it up in volume.

Each coin has been activated and Cabalistically notated and inter-connected, so that it now represents some ordinarily undetectable, indeterminate and uncontactable part of yourself which can now be “called” through its specific IDENTITY, which is a convenient apparency evoked by its own unique combination of letters, numbers and grade.

“CALLING” is a way of using the “address” or “name” of an entity as a means of … well, of ringing them up. I use this function to test your new COIN MATRIX as an Altar Item.

Gradations of coinage are arranged by Tiers, Levels and Choirs, with different coin grades at entry points and “weak spots”. Exactly HOW this is done is covered in the initiate training and ONLY in the initiate training. Mastery of this TEN-STEP essentially Alchemical Process could take months or years.

The letter and numeric significance of the coin, taken along with its grade, or “Gradation”, is what gives the coin its power to act as a trans- dimensional “Switchboard” between you and the Hidden Masters of Wisdom.

The numbers and letters can be woven into an algorhythm to create specific Cabalistic anagrams and “Magic Squares” or “Acrostics”, and that’s precisely how the whole thing works.

If not for the mint-marks, we would not be able to use the coins in this way. The letters bracketed between the Philadelphia Mint coins makes it possible to create powerful anagramatic names and symbols on each and every coin.

Think of it as a 3-D chessboard with a lot of pieces, one on each square except for the areas designated as Hallways, Cathedrals and Towers, represented in POG VIDEO GAME TRAINING as streets, alleys, buildings, hallways, etc.

The dimensions can be expressed as: “Upness, Downness, Strangeness & Charm”. Charm is what causes the Law of Attraction to operate, sometimes when wanted, sometimes not. The Law of Attraction is totally controllable using the COIN MATRIX.

The Choirs are represented by the HORIZONTAL rows of each page. Halls are represented by the spaces between rows. Chambers are represented by the individual coin pockets or slots, and Cathedrals by the Page Section at the spine; the locking head bore-screws that bind the Pages into the Binding serve as wormholes connecting the six-worlds of the COIN MATRIX, four Pages, one Binding and one Slipcase.

The All-Quarters Maintainers are represented by the FOUR DIFFERENT 1909 coins in the set. The “22” Plain Chamber represents the number “4”, which is the Four-Letter Name, Tetra-Grama-Ton, “YHWH”.