If a coin that touched an Extreme Error Coin is lucky, how lucky is an Actual Error Coin? That’s what I’m offering — actual error coins in State, Parks & ATB quarters.
Here’s what you’re looking for in a quarter search:
MS-60+ GEM — Absolutely flawless and brilliant like a diamond. The odds against finding these in Business Strike Pocket Change is 7.6 BILLION to 1 against.
AU-MS — High-Grade but not quite gradable, these are the bulk of your collection for albums and jewelry, and will constitute the majority of your search collections.
ERROR COINS — These can be in ALMOST any condition, but you have to be the judge here. I won’t take any actually dirty coins, but lower grade, into the “EF-30” range, is acceptable for this type of charm. Of course, the higher grade error, the more unlikely, and therefore the luckiest.
The double keyboard error on the Duke Ellington quarter above will bring somewhere around $400-$500 in good shape, and more in excellent condition, the higher the better.
That’s all there is to it!!!
Those are the only things I’m looking for. Everything that falls short of those three goals goes back into circulation, back into the grinding wheel of life, if they don’t measure up, which is very reminiscent of the situation for All Beings Everywhere, and that means us.
Coins that contain an actual error are by definition luckier than coins that have merely been touched to a lucky error coin, although those are pretty darn lucky, too.
The thing is, as lucky as you may be, you might just want to kick your luckiness bar up a few notches, and a genuine Actual Error Coin might just be the ticket.
I’m putting my “Actual Error” Lucky Coins up for $100 — that’s only $25 apiece when you buy them at jobber price. You only need to buy one to qualify for jobber price, if you’re in our work circle, and if not, how about joining our work circle so we can help each other?
Beat The Odds!!!
You can beat the odds with my Actual Error Lucky Coins, and anyone you can get to carry one will thank you!
Carry the Real Thing! Only an error coin is an error coin. Luckiness depends on scarcity and rareness, and an Actual Error Coin is pretty doggone rare — in fact, when you get a really really rare one, something unique, and they DO pop up from time to time, the odds go astronomical.
There’s nothing like the Real Thing, and your luck will definitely change when you start carrying around and relating to these rare objects.
Even more effect can be had with Extreme Rarity Meteorites and even more so with Ancient Rarities, which tend to be very reasonably priced, unless you’re also looking for aesthetic.
Power-Up Your Luck
Just a lump of ancient stuff that defies the odds against being here now is plenty good enough luck.
You want to surround yourself with lucky things, lucky items of all sorts, everything from soup to nuts, meaning literally rare and exotic foods — I have several powerful varieties of edibles from which to choose — all the way to nuts, meaning netsuke carvings, rare coins, charms, amulets, talismans and more.
There’s nothing else you can depend upon. The government is dead set against us, all of us, and if your name is not yet on the list, hang on, sloopy — it will be.
You have no money, no medical care, no income, no hope. That’s the time to whip out the rabbit’s foot, rub it for luck, and cast out the dice.
Of course, if you cast out lepers, you’ll be a whole lot more popular.
Trust in Luck. You can’t trust the government. You can’t trust the police. You can’t trust the army, and you surely can’t trust your President.
He’ll sell us out in a heartbeat.
Luck is DEFYING THE ODDS. Trust in Luck. The government has already betrayed you. The President has betrayed you. Congress has betrayed you. The Supreme Court is in the process of betraying you. Trust nobody, trust nothing.
It’s all lies, all fake news, all propaganda designed to drive you into a state of complacency and surrender, and by now, you’re so tired of all the hoopla and uproar out of Washington that you’re ready to sign anything, in blood, just to get Trump to stop mind-fucking everyone in town.
There can be no faith in government.
Put your faith in pure mathematically-driven outcome. When all the normal options are taken away, including your vote, only luck remains.
A very rare object is very lucky indeed. The more rare the object, the luckier. The more beautiful the object, the luckier, and the more enshrined and cherished and respected it is, the luckier it will be.
Luck is a rare object pulsing luckiness. Carry it, wear it, keep in safe, keep it secret.
“Better Than a Rabbit’s Foot!”
Yes, my Lucky Rodney and Lucky Actual Error Coins are better than a rabbit’s foot, better than ANY rabbit’s foot, and I’ll tell you why:
The rabbit’s foot was clearly NOT lucky for the rabbbit, and it won’t be any luckier for you, but on top of that, no little furry woodland creature had to die to make you luckier, when you carry a Lucky Rodney and/or a Lucky Actual Error coin in my special “high-static” acrylic capsules with the electrostatic foam keeping the coin perfectly preserved and in place for eternity.
Well, maybe not eternity. Maybe until the sun goes nova, which won’t be all that long from now, by my standards of measurement of time.
The foam is necessary in the capsule. Try without, and you’ll see what I mean, and sure, it’s an extra expense, but it will keep your coin absolutely damage-free unless you take a sledgehammer to it just to see if it’s working or not.
The sledge attack will definitely make your coin more unique — there won’t be another coin quite like it — but the numismatic value may disintegrate before your very eyes.
In short, be nice to your lucky coin, or face the consequences.
So don’t forget that you’re looking for MS-60+ GEMS in addition to any error, which can be anything from an off-center strike or a struck-thru grease error, or a partial collar, or a broad-struck, or a counter-clash, of which there are plenty enough to find, enough to make a good business of it, if you can convince people to ADMIT that they carry or would like to carry a lucky charm with them.
Look, it’s scary enough without a lucky charm.
You might as well put a lucky charm in your pocket, purse or desk-drawer. I have them placed in potted plants as well, and I can set up something that would be commercially acceptable in the “Lucky Plant Department”, which right now, at the moment, is flush with a summer collection of Bonsai.
I’m making Bonsai for sale, and can easily ship them out of state, but probably not out of country — they’ll literally wither and die in customs.
I sell my Bonsai for anywhere from $89.95 to $450, and my fountains go for anywhere from $225 for a small table fountain that you could put on a table in your home, office or den, all the way up to $175,000 for a giant sculptural ferro-cement and steel fountain that has to be engineered and installed.
I’m also making ceramics and producing sculptures, for a variety of prices, all too cheap, I’m told, but I’m stubborn that way — you get a giant discount, the public pays retail.
Forcing a Treasure Drop
You can do things on and around your search table that will make “rune drops” more likely, by making them even LESS likely, if you follow the reasoning here.
Fool’s Mint” is pretty much the same as “Fool’s Gold” when prospecting and panning for gold up here in the ’49er Gold Rush Hills of California.
The Fool’s Mint is a coin that looks to the beginner like a “Perfect” coin, but isn’t even an AU-53, and falls apart on closer examination.
The beginner needs a 40x loupe, while the expert needs no magnification whatever. You can spot the scratches, dings and dirt without squinting your eyes or blinking.
Randomity is what makes Murphy’s Law work for you — the less likely it is to happen to you, the more likely it will happen.
High randomity assures good luck.
Catch O’ The Day
Yes, Dorothy, there really is a “Catch O’ The Day”, a special coin that I found during the night’s search, and today, it happens to be a powerful error on the 1999 Connecticut Quarter, with a giant Struck-Thru Grease on the word “OAK”, for sale for only $200, but YOU pay for the grading, or I get it graded, and then it’s $450 or more!!!
Lucky is lucky, whether it’s money or love, or whatever you have in mind as a personal and work goal.
Golf, swimming, real estate dealing, picking, gambling, sports booking or love and romance, everything goes better with luck.