New magic trick — turning quarters into dollars. The fact is that every single MS-60+ quarter you turn up and bag, meaning carefully place in a flip, is worth at least a dollar to you.
I know, it doesn’t seem like much, and it isn’t, not by itself, but multiply that effect by about a hundred coins a night, and you can see the financial rewards piling up.
Of course, it’s the high-grades and the mint-errors that bring in the big dough, and they DO happen now and again, but upon them, you shouldn’t count — the real money is in the “fines”, as always, the constant flow of MS-60 through MS-65 coins.
Once in a while, you’ll come across a coin that shows mint flash, great detail with not a single mar, scratch, dent or ding, totally flawless even under 40x loupe inspection, and NOW you’ve got an MS-66 or better, and if it’s an MS-68, you win no matter what the coin might be.
The whole key is how good you are at picking the great coins out of the slush pile, and you’re only as good as you’ve trained yourself to be.
It’s all Time-In-Grade, Pencil-Mileage Time, but you can cut the apprentice time by 99% just by re-acquiring skills from Past Lives.
It’s a LOT easier to grab those skills from previous lives than to try to re-learn it from scratch this lifetime, and the PLS Course is here to help you do just that.
You automatically regain your past life skills as you do the PLS.
Now that your past lives are taken care of, let’s proceed; what exactly do you need to know in order to turn quarters into dollars, as I promised in the Headline?
You need solid, continuous attention and intentional addiction, that’s what.
Placing your fullest possible attention on the coin, take a look at the coin as it happens to lie there, before doing anything to turn it over. Think about it — if the upside of the coin is not good enough to pass muster, the other side of the coin isn’t going to help matters much.
Check the face — cheek, forehead, chin, for any signs of the slightest scratch, mar or burnish. If the face isn’t 100% clear, don’t take the coin in, let it pass.
Look at the “field” around the face — any scratches there, no matter how slight, disqualify the coin as a numismatic, but a SLIGHT scratch won’t hurt in jewelry or game piece applications.
If the damage is noticeable without magnification, pass on the coin — send it back into circulation.
Here’s how it breaks down:
MS-60 – MS-65 go into FLIPS.
MS-66+ goes to PCGS for slabbing and grading.
BU with some slight scar will go into game capsules or jewelry.
Everything else goes back to the bank, no matter how tempting, unless it’s a mint error. Remember as you turn these coins over that LUCK plays an enormous part in coin search, and that the drops occur according to your karma.
Feedback? Yes, consider it feedback on how well or badly you’re conducting your life, and keep in mind that hypocrites don’t go to Heaven.
What does that mean, exactly?
Well, in coin terms, nothing, but on Capitol Hill, it means plenty. Okay, back to subject — quarter search.
The main thing is, “Don’t do nothin’ stupid”, meaning that you should run full rolls of mint coins, just because there are MS-66 coins in there, maybe, and also just in case there’s a mint error.
You want to make sure that no actual “goodies” are accidentally thrown back into circulation.
“Accident” isn’t the word you actually want here — it’s “laziness”, referring to “lazy attention”, which is only a fraction of the total attention possible at the moment.
Laziness is a deadly enemy, but not the worst.
The worst enemy you have right now is complacency.
Coin search induces timeflow alteration. Playing games with the coins, doing puzzles with them, moving them around, gives you flow and change, the possible movement into other worlds, other dimensions and other lifestreams.
The lifestream you want now is one that puts you into the flow of Zombie Family Fun. You can send for the entire tiny store for a mere $200, which buys you every flavor we make, plus a great 3’x2′ full-color ZomFam banner designed by Marvette just for YOU!
It’s not just jewelry applications. You might be building a set of coins that could form a game of checkers or backgammon that had a theme of, say, the Civil War.
I have a chess set that specifically focuses on Gettysburg. The coins are directly from the mint, and I protect them directly from the mint roll into acrylic gaming capsules. The Gettysburg, with 24 HIGH-GRADES is by far the hardest to find in decent shape, and the set will run you $350 from my workshop. You can save $$$ by making your own set, but go FIND 24 MS-60 or better Gettysburgs!!!
I also have a “First Flight” set that is completely stunning, featuring the Wright Brothers’ Kitty Hawk aircraft, the first to fly under power for more than a few seconds.
In the case of the games, the box becomes the playboard, and boy, does it look good in a showcase!
If you’re really lucky, you’ll be hitting MS-60+ state parks & recreation coins — imagine a sales kiosk where you can offer souvenir games, toys, puzzles and jewelry featuring souvenirs of Yellowstone Park, Yosemite, Pictured Rock and Apostle Island, all of which I have in brilliant MS-65 or better!
You might decide to make “Proud Immigrant Pendants” with the Ellis Island coin, or “Grand Ol’ Opry” medallions from the Nashville coin with its musical instruments and Nashville connections.
Souvenir of New Orleans? Sure, and while you’re at it, why not sell your customer a bottle or two of our famous Creole Style hot sauces to go along with the coin medallion?
Here’s a thought: a 1982-P quarter is statistically speaking the same as if a 1982 No-P, which of course is a rare error coin. It could just as easily have been one of the error coins in the series “1982” produced at the Philadelphia Mint.
Using the SuperBeacon correctly, you can bring the probabilities around to make the coin into a 1982 No-P, which it could just as easily be.
Any coin you decide to wear will begin to personalize, to adjust to your aura and chemistry, the moment you first put it on.
The high grade .925 Sterling Silver bezel is spiritually very active, and a 14k gold bezel doubly so.
If you really want a powerful hit from the ancient world, try wearing a pair of my 18k gold granulation earrings mounted with ancient glass or stones of your choice — they run around $1800 a pair, but you get a whalloping amount of gold back as a rebate.
Zombie Family values prevail in our ZomFam booths. You will find the zombie costume comfortable and easy to wash and wear. You never have to iron sweats, right?
Okay, the ZomFam costume is not a sweatsuit, but it IS comfy. You don’t want to be squirming around in discomfort while trying to sell a relaxation technique.
Your fair booth is easy to construct.
Pick up a retail fair tent at K-Mart, for about $89-$99.
You’ll need a plastic-topped folding table, also obtainable at K-Mart, for anywhere from $55-$75. They come in black tops and white tops — they both work well.
The banner clips directly onto your tent poles, or tie them with bungie cords.
You’ll need two black bedsheets — one to use, one in the wash. Spread the sheet onto the table.
Now merely load the food stuff and jewelry onto the table, and start selling up a storm!
It sounds too easy, doesn’t it? But it really IS easy, easy enough that, at 76 years of age, I can manage to set up and run a Zombie Family Fun Booth, and I’m prepared to prove it this summer!
The real reason for the sales is the contact — you want to build a client base for your art sales, but it happens slowly, and trust must be built over a period of time — it doesn’t just happen all at once on the first sale.
You can create Healing Boxes by placing “good” and “bad” examples of the same coin in a velvet box with separators — I have the parts you need for that, for about $22, but YOU’LL have to find the coins to go in there for that price!
Turns out it’s a LOT harder to come up with really BAD state quarters, and they’re sorely needed for several applications.
Operating the body from the Simple Self will yield the best results in a coin search.
Oh, I should perhaps mention that Gettysburg is not the only Civil War battlefield I’m working with — I have the Battle of Vicksburg with an ironclad in the water, commemorative medallions in an 18-piece Double Tic-Tac-Toe Set in MINT condition for only $350 — allow several weeks for me to complete it.
There’s a great st of “Grand Canyon”, also in full MINT condition, directly from mint rolls into my capsules — price on this is also $350, and costs me plenty to make!
I will make a FEW “Chaco Culture” Chess, Checkers, Backgammon & Tic-Tac-Toe Sets at a price of $350, but this is limited and hard to find in MINT state.
2012 P – Chaco Culture – America The Beautiful Quarter
“God-World Horses” uses the Nevada State Quarter as its basis. It’s a great exciting coin, and makes a great “look” for your coffee table or game room.
“Steam Locomotives” is another group of gaming sets, featuring the stunning Utah Quarter illustrating the Golden Spike driven at the point where the eastern and western tracks met.
“Pioneer Settlers” is another reminder that we are ALL immigrants, including the Native Americans — nobody came from America, we’re all out of Africa. The pioneer coins feature a Conestoga Wagon out in the wilderness.
There are literally millions of ways to win, and no way to lose! Any quarters that don’t work out for you can be returned to the bank for a 100% refund or another quarter that might be better!
The bank offers a money-back guarantee: if you don’t like the money you get, you can exchange it for money you DO like!