What Makes MY Lucky Rodney So Lucky

If it’s just an ordinary “normal” 1999-P Delaware U.S. Quarter, what makes your “Lucky Rodney” so lucky?

  • It’s more than “ordinary” — it’s a very high-grade quality collector’s item.

  • It’s been honored, respected & enshrined, in a solid sterling silver bezel.

  • It looks exactly like the Parent Coin, except for the absence of the error.

  • It has actually been touched to the acrylic slab in which the Parent Coin resides.

No one else could possibly have a Parent Coin like mine. There are only two known, and one of them is in a locked and sealed collection.

Why is the Parent Coin so lucky?

Actually, it’s more than just lucky — it’s impossibly lucky. A Type II Counter-Clash occurs only momentarily, and then clears automatically from the coin press. There cannot be more than two or, at most, three, and the third one hasn’t been found yet, but maybe you’ll be the lucky one to find the third Type II Counter-Clash Rodney, if one does exist.

The universe runs on coincidence, which is another way of saying “luck”. When something impossible happens, like a coin dropping in front of you that is the Number One Most Legendary Modern U.S. Quarter in Numismatic History, featured on every book on the subject of mint errors, that indicates a powerful amount of luck.

That powerful amount of luck can rub off, and that’s why I touch YOUR “Lucky Rodney” amulet or talisman, charm or fetish to the acrylic “slab” containing my “Parent Coin”, which is not for sale, not now, not ever.

The Parent Coin resides safely in a shrine, and is used in the “Touching Ceremony” in which “Lucky Rodney Amulets” made of Normal 1999-P Delaware Quarters mounted in sterling silver bezels, are touched to the enshrined slab, in the hope that some luck will “rub off” onto the Lucky Rodney Ammies.

I already have evidence that it does, but YOU be the judge. Wear one for one single day and see what happens!

If your luck doesn’t improve in the first FIFTEEN MINUTES, I’ll be surprised.

History runs on statistics. In this world. The chances are that any existing democracy will be cunningly transformed into a dictatorship, like watching a marriage on the rocks in slow motion.

Life in a dictatorship is not much different than life right now, if you happen to be a farmer, but if you live in the city or in a large town, you will notice the difference — notably, the SMG-armed paid mercenary militia that replaces the citizen army.

That’s so they won’t rebel, when ordered to shoot their own people. They aren’t their own people.

You will need a hell of a lot of luck to dance between the raindrops, just to get to the market and back home again safe and sound.

If you want to know what it’s like to live under those conditions, just hang on a while, because after the elections, he’ll be thoroughly emboldened, and after that, there’s no stopping him.

Voter Apathy is the primary answer to one of the questions I’m visiting this Time Zone to find out about — Why did people let him do this to so many innocent victims? The answer is, they didn’t give a flying fig.

So that’s at least ten points on my history quiz when I get back to the 37th century. One of the more amusing things about this time zone is that I can tell people exactly what I’m doing here, and they assume it’s something I made up.

Well, this is the kind of stuff you can’t put in a script — it’s totally live action with tons of variables thrown in, and that’s how the lucky coins work, through defying the odds.

The odds of finding that Parent Coin was roughly 450 BILLION to 1 against, but the odds of ME finding it were 100%, because I did, and I found it because I’m naturally lucky.

Some of that luck DOES rub off. Many of my friends have won lotteries and gone gambling in Vegas with one of my lucky coins, but nothing like the Lucky Rodney has ever existed before.

Just the coin itself in a sterling silver bezel isn’t going to do it.Your Lucky Rodney Amulet has been touched to the slab of the Parent Coin, and some of that luck has definitely rubbed off.

Wear or carry your Lucky Rodney with you everywhere. It’s not just about winning the lottery or a sports book bet at your local grocery outlet, it’s about your general well-being, your health, your happiness, your prospects and your outlook, and those all depend on lots and lots of good luck, and that’s what the Lucky Rodney is all about!

If you want to give Lucky Rodney Pocket Charms to the homeless, I will sell them to you in quantities of 100 or more at only $3 apiece, which is my hard cost — I don’t charge for my labors — that’s my obligation to you to get you WORKING in The Work, and this is it.

Either sell them or give them away, but get them out there, fast!

We need all the luck we can get in order to zig-zag and swirl through this nightmare of racism, bullying and plunder of the poor by the very rich, once again, as per usual.

Illigitimati Non-Carborundum — don’t let the bastards grind you down. I know Donnie well, and he will never ease up, because he needs constant attention, and fear is the highest form of attention, which he well knows.

Enjoy the fear. Be fearless in the fear, wear your Lucky Rodney Ammy and carry your Lucky Rodney Charm, and if your ears can tolerate the slight extra weight, you might want to try wearing the Lucky Rodney Earrings, which are $79.95 a pair, double the price of the amulet.

You can get amulets in coin-edged bezels wholesale at $20 a pop, and resell them at $39.95 very easily. The fancy bezels are more money, and I wouldn’t suggest them until you get a handle on how the $39.95 models move.