What We Offer

One big head start foot in the right direction is to set up a Coinology Booth with a Pegboard and a Display Bust that shows off the pendant and earrings — mine is the black velvet variety, but there are many display systems and you’re welcome to investigate all of them.

You can start out with just the Pegboard and Display Bust, and ship all products after the fair or event, which eliminates the need for a table, or you can put in a table, glass-topped Jewelry Display Case and Display Bust, allowing a little space to put the bezel on the coin, or using a second smaller table in the back of the booth for your jewelry work.

I did promise you a rundown of the product, and I’ve not forgotten that pledge — here it is:

Charter Oak, Connecticut. The oak tree has many connotations in American history, but it also has Druid connections and connections with the Ancient Mysteries. Spirits of the tree and Guardians are also associated with the Oaken Tree. The World-Tree connects the lower and higher and forms a pathway to the stars.

Figure of Liberty Imbued with Virtue and Independence is on the 1999 Pennsylvania — “Penn’s Forest” — quarter. “Sylvan” means “Trees” or “Woodsy”, and where there are trees, you will find woodsy spirits and gathering places for Electrical Beings.

Additionally, “Liberty” assures the Four Freedoms guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution:





The 1999 “Georgia Peach” is a stunningly beautiful design, with the round thing in the center and the budding leaves surrounding, withal, espousing “Wisdom”, “Justice” and “Moderation” — the last of which is my cup of tea, as in, “Just … just … just take it easy”, a great coin to carry or wear to avoid conflict, connects quite well to the “Omphalos” or “Navel of the World” — planetary belly-button, as it were, of the Ancients, notably the Oracle at Delphi, also a good connection for this coin.

You’ll note that the peach is “clefted”, which of course refers to so many things it’s impossible to list them all, but you can start with anything that has a cleft or is in some way riven, get the idea?

Magical uses and applications are limited only by your ability to observe and objectify.

The 1999 Delaware quarter features “Caesar Rodney” — great for horse-country like ours, this horse & rider can be worth up to $5,000 if you manage to stumble across the variant with the double name “Caesar Rodney”, celebrating his famous nightride through a powerful storm in order to break the deadlock vote on American Independence on the night of July 1, 1776, arriving in Philadelphia to vote in favor of the resolution.

This is a terrific coin for horse-lovers, but also has a magical purpose to take you through the storm so you can make your mark, enter your plea, do your work, generate peace and freedom throughout the land.




This Year 2000 Virginia Quadricentennial quarter is a profoundly great coin to represent a line of ships in a battle game, and can be used in Tic-Tac-Toe or Checkers as a team. Ideal for a chess set — these can be the pawns of a naval battle chess set, or include forts and scouts, and create a full battle chess game scenario.

This West Virginia Bridge at New River Gorge is an amazing coin in and of itself, but it carries all sorts of magical and quantum entanglements, among which is “Connection” and “Traversing”, but also “Overcoming” and is a powerful deterrent to bullying.

One important factoid while searching for this coin is that there is a very valuable Doubled Die Reverse in which the words “New River Gorge” are quite strongly and clearly doubled, making it easy to spot, albeit somewhat on the rare side.

This is an example off eBay of an MS-67

I’m telling you, if you have the eye for it, you can turn upwards of $1,000 a night searching State, Park & America the Beautiful quarters!!!

I get a yield of about 100 “perfect” MS-65 or better coins from a bank box of 2,000. If your standards are slightly lower, you can triple that yield.

I never relax my standards, which are entirely objective, based on strict rules and regulation.

My coins are ALWAYS perfect, totally perfect, or your money back.

I make SOME small exceptions in the case of very, very rare coins, and state that the grade is lower, when and where appropriate, although the cases of exceptions are unusual — mostly I rely on luck to find the perfect coin.

Error coins are the best grade I can manage, but I have ZERO control over grade when it comes to error coins.

I have several error quarters if anyone’s interested, and there are a number of slabbed “Remote Healing Power Slabs”,  MS-66, 67 & 68, available.

In my experience, in general, the higher the grade coin, the clearer the image, the better the duplication and therefore the quantum entanglement, “Like Affects Like”, Second Law principle.

I have a number of “Remote Healing” slabs priced at only $50, although there are some much higher, with grades at MS69 — no 70 has turned up yet, but I’m hoping.

A tough one to find, American Samoa celebrates the American Dream of holding territory all over the world, which we can do because WE have a flag!

If you want more than one of these, you’ll have to wait — they don’t turn up often, and when they do, they’re spoken for, so get in line.

I do take requests and will find coins at whatever grade you indicate, plus I’ll have them slabbed and graded for you as well, starting at $50 per coin, depending on the coin — I have to pay based on the value of the coin, so you get charged accordingly

The double keyboard error on the Duke Ellington quarter will bring somewhere around $400-$500 in good shape, and more in excellent condition, the higher the better.

If you can’t find the double die reverse DDR error, no problem — make earrings out of them, pendants out of some more of them, and sell them to musically inclined jazz fans, and do the same with the Nashville “Grand Ol’ Opry” quarter as well.

You’ll find dozens of great images to play with, and every one of them yields to the PSL Technique, so use it freely — “What do you see? What do you know? What’s The Story?”

I have high-grade examples of all dates and variants, just let me know what you need in the way of coins and merchandising supplies — I’ll either get them for you or tell you where to find them.

The object is NOT about money — it’s about spreading Coinology and getting people to do their own coin searches, their own Soul Rescue Party.

Don’t overlook the healing aspects of the “Deflectors”, those coins packed in slabs — they are high-grade and can be effectively employed in all manner of healing circles and medicine wheel rituals.

If you want more info on what’s available, get the MEGA RED COIN BOOK 2018 and review all the state, park and America quarters — you’ll be amazed, surprised and excited, I guarantee it.

When you’re ready to get started, $300 gets you going, with a full display rack of 100 fabulous coins, all ready to be packed into sterling silver lockets and earring bezels.

I make six different display racks on Pegboard, each carrying its own special theme, each one designed to be attractive to the greatest number of customers.

It’s EASY to turn your spare time into money, and remember — Coinology is the only world religion that pays off in hard, cold cash!

Get out there and recruit!

The coins in silver lockets sell for around $39.95 apiece, which produces a grand total potential retail of $3,950, almost $4,000, if you manage to sell all 100 items.

Of course, there is the expense of the silver bezel, about $10 for small orders, less for much larger orders of over 100 bezels, and don’t shrug it off — I’m betting that you’ll sell thousands.

You should seriously consider re-ordering when you’ve sold 25% of your backstock.

$300 for the coins ready for sale, plus the display rack, including 20 pegs, pegboard and frame wired for hanging.

$10 each for the sterling silver bezels, $39.95 retail.

Do the math, then get in touch.